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Presentation: "What Finance Can Learn From Dating Sites"

Time: Monday 13:55 - 14:45 / Location: Promenade Ballroom A

Dating, as is often said, is a numbers game. And organizations such as, and Zoosk rely on very sophisticated technology as they sift through vast customer bases to create the most compatible couples. Specially, they rely on data to build the most nuanced portraits of their members that they can, so they can find the best matches. This is a business-critical activity for dating sites — the more successful the matching, the better revenues will be. One of the ways they do this is through graph databases. These differ from relational databases as they specialize in identifying the relationships between multiple data points. This means they can query and display connections between people, preferences and interests very quickly.

In this session you will see how in many ways dating sites are getting better performance and more value out of their data than financial institutions by using Neo4j.

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Max De Marzi, Senior Consultant, Neo Technology

Max De Marzi

Biography: Max De Marzi

Max De Marzi, is a seasoned web developer. He started building websites in 1996 and has worked with Ruby on Rails since 2006. The web forced Max to wear many hats and master a wide range of technologies. He can be a system admin, database developer, graphic designer, back-end engineer and data scientist in the course of one afternoon.  Max is a graph database enthusiast.  He built the Neography Ruby Gem, a rest api wrapper to the Neo4j Graph Database.  He is addicted to learning new things, loves a challenge and finding pragmatic solutions. Max is very easy to work with, focuses under pressure and has the patience of a rock.

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